Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Little Venice is amazing!

When we think houseboats we imagine large barge things floating down the Murray or that you hire from Nelligen.  Houseboats here are so different.
There's a canal, for the most part no wider than a 2 lane road, and lined both sides with long thin boats that are peoples homes, restaurants, taxi's and everything else.  We're told that one is owned by Richard Branson and is where he recorded Tubular Bells, but for the most part, they look like fairly cheap accommodation. The council provides amenity blocks dotted along the way, and I must say, a peaceful 7am walk along the tow path was quite probably the perfect way to start our first normal morning in London Town.

1 comment:

  1. It looks like a lovely morning. Not long now till you pick up the bike.


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