Saturday 21 September 2013

Abbey Road Serendipity

Our Abbey Road experience turned out to be a little more special than we expected, thanks to the sudden appearance of the sun and a random meeting with 3 young Germans, in particular, Klara the violin girl.

We arrived about 20 minutes before the appointed time, so had plenty of opportunity to take in the rather crowded atmosphere and finish our coffee.  This is a very popular place.

So Kevin came out to play, we put our "spot the aussie" hats on, and brought out the flag.  Then Janelle did a quick preliminary safety check to dispose of her empty coffee cup.

Now right at the end of this clip you might have noticed Janelle walk past a couple of young girls who had just turned up.  Well, we didn't really think anything of it until just a few minutes later, and completely without warning, we saw this... (so glad I had the camera ready).

So, not being one to miss an chance, a deal was quickly struck.  Yep, you guessed it.  Violin Girl Klara Tihomirov ended up walking across and back quite a few times.  First with her friends, and a random who happened along behind. (I bet he never expected to be on youtube by days end).

Then the return trip.  Traffic got in the way making for a much longer then expected delay.

And then it was our turn with one of Klara's friends driving the camera.  The vid didn't work first time but we got it fired up for the return trip and she captured the clip below. Janelle and I, Kevin, the aussie flag, and all of us led by our own personal Minstrel.

I really don't have words to describe it.  Seriously, how awesome it this!

And then to top it all off, a few minutes later Rho posted this screenshot of our first crossing on Facebook. You can just make out the flag and Klara half obscured by the motorcycle.
Thanks to an amazingly sunny London day, which meant we had a reason to wear our hats.
Thanks to all the drivers who we delayed, but I figure you must be used to it all by now.
Thanks to everyone at home who took the time to share a very special moment with us, even if you didn't quite know what was happening on the webcam.
Huge thanks to Rho for snapping the screenshot off the internet from 20,000 kms away!
And a very special thank you to Violin Girl Klara and your friends. You ladies were in the perfect place at the perfect time and you really did make our silly little game so very, very much more.

Oh, and why is the camera facing the wrong way?
Because it's mounted in the front lawn of Abbey Road Studios, so it's on their property. Simple as that.


  1. We actually started watching about 15 mins early. We saw the sun come out, and watched violin girl and friends cross a few times. Have about 5 or 6 screen shots, just wish they were bigger. Glad it worked out so well. Love you xx

  2. Awesome. Looks like you're having fun.


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